UniqLove.net - What is love?

UniqLove.net - The main goal of the site is to help you find your dream partner. This is the only such site dedicated to creating only couples seeking marriage.

Uniqlove - The main goal of the site is to help you find the partner of your dreams. Each of us in our imagination has formed an ideal picture of the partner of our dreams. So we donʼt need to wait for somebody to find us. We suggest you bring your dreams to life, and they will surely come true. You can express in detail what exactly you want. The goal of the site is to bring people together based on a match of 95 %.

What is love?

The main goal of the site is to help you find your dream partner. This is the only such site dedicated to creating only couples seeking marriage.

Uniqlove - The main goal of the site is to help you find the partner of your dreams. Each of us in our imagination has formed an ideal picture of the partner of our dreams. So we donʼt need to wait for somebody to find us. We suggest you bring your dreams to life, and they will surely come true. You can express in detail what exactly you want. The goal of the site is to bring people together based on a match of 95 %.

It is the only site in which the lives of two people are thoroughly considered, which is the beginning of love, feelings and all the rest. Uniqlove.Net The author of the site, having analysed the relationships of many couples, has come to the conclusion that in the lives of two people there are things much more serious than the physical attraction of one body to another. “Love club” provides the opportunity to choose a partner with comprehensive, all-around information, even according to the partnerʼs appearance, physique and the like.

“Love club” is for people who do not want publicity: there will be no opportunity to look at photographs of other people and read personal information, because that is not the person for you. You will be able to see only those people selected by the system according to your thoughts and desires.

UniqLove.net - Find dream partner

This siteʼs author created it so that people could understand what love is, and to help people to choose what is most important and what many dream of.

What is special about the word “love”? First of all, there are various forms of love: love of those close to you, of animals, of nature. People often get lost in their feelings and fail to comprehend the essence of true love. It is impossible to define love using just a single word. Love of those close to you, of children, of nature, of animals: these are sublime feelings, the sense of connection with another, affection. But true love is found at an even deeper level.

Something indescribable in words is found in true love. If we pose the question “what is love” to many people, we probably will not hear a precise or uniform answer. Some will say that love is the feeling that we cannot live without another person, while for others love is the pampering of the beloved with a delicious meal or a tender massage.

Having analysed the crises in the relationships of many families, the author finally understood what people need to find true love and to ensure that the feeling would not fade as life goes on.

To create true love, three things are very important, without which we will never succeed in creating a firm relationship. There is a reason why, awakening in the middle of the night, I sat down to write my thoughts about helping people and to create a site for happy marriages.

The three secrets of true love are:

  • 1. Attraction – this is all-around fascination with appearance, the feeling that everything perfect is found in that person, from a personʼs glance to the bodyʼs curves. It is the first and most important thing on the road to inseparable love. Attraction must of necessity be mutual. This is the feeling for a person who is beautiful to you, whom you touch, whose scent stays with you. This is the coming together of physical bodies.
  • 2. Pleasure – this is the second stage of feeling, which is also extremely important: the pleasure of caressing the softest of hair, the most delicate of hands, the pleasure of touching the whole body, of feeling the breathing of the other person. The greatest pleasure of two people is to feel each other in endless passion. Passion is hidden in the fact that intimate touch is internal and the very highest experience. An orgasm experienced simultaneously by two people is a gift from God. However, if the intimate expectations of one of the partners are not fulfilled, if one does not receive what he or she dreams of, such relations will be temporary. The compatibility of a couple and their sexual temperament is very important. Because of such differences, families may finally separate. Sexual passion must be mutual and strong.
  • 3. Understanding – this is the third important stage of feelings, very strongly connecting a family. It is understanding each other almost without using words. Common interests, goals, help for each other and, of course, respect, joint raising of children, a shared outlook on life, pursuit of joint goals; a family must be united like a fist. The feeling of understanding allows a relationship to completely awaken and deepen. The combination of all three of these components makes a happy marriage, about which most people can only dream.
Love consists of authentic and untainted feelings

Feelings for beauty, feelings for each other when touching, feelings in understanding.

Passionate love (feelings) for the beloved

Why is love between a man and a woman the strongest kind of love? The closer the person, the stronger the love. If a person is supremely beautiful to you, if when touching him or her you go out of your mind and sex with him or her is unmatchable, then you can call that person the closest person to you. If you think about it, you cannot really have a closer person. Even a child cannot literally be closer.

True love is not a very simple thing, and for some it even appears to be impossible to create such a relationship. Believe me, everything is possible; simply donʼt waste time with people not right for you. Our portal exists to help people bring their dreams to life, and our goal is as many successfully married and happy couples as possible.

Some conclusions about “love”, according to which some people live today:

1. Calculations for material gain.

Young women lose their beauty and youth, selling themselves to a person interested only in their beauty... Such women age very quickly, because they are hollow and unhappy. Of course, there are cases where wealthy older women have young lovers, but such cases are rare. In any case, some people in such situations are inclined to maintain two relationships.

2. A relationship which begins while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol.

Usually, young people donʼt know where to look for a partner, so they go to clubs where drugs or alcohol are used. Lives are destroyed just because there is no opportunity to establish wonderful relationship based on a solid foundation: the majority wander, looking in vain, while others fall into the trap of addiction.

3. A relationship when only one side falls in love.

The basis of many relationships is one-sided love. Generally speaking, many people donʼt even know why they are creating a relationship. Most women are afraid to be left single or think that they are not attractive, and the same can be said for men, too. There are an endless number of unhappy families, but, looking at their relationship from the outside, they all act and play their roles, trying to prove that everything is fine in their relationship.

4. A relationship as a result of pregnancy.

There are relationships which result from young couples encountering the result of failing to use contraception. The desire to try everything as soon as possible leads to an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy. Such reckless and careless relationships lead to unhappy marriages.

It would be possible to list more reasons for unhappy marriages, but the point is to look for and to want to be loved, to feel the height of passion. But there arenʼt always opportunities to find where and how to make that happen. I would even say that there isnʼt enough information about such things. So everybody wanders and does anything in an effort to find a partner. I know a lot of people who would pay an enormous sum of money just so they could find a person with whom they could be happy for the rest of their life. On the one hand, it seems like such a simple thing, but on the other hand, itʼs complicated.

Have you ever thought about where you are looking for your partner? Maybe, even usually, from your local area, a nearby city or town? Your partner can really be anywhere in the world. A language barrier is no problem at all, if a person otherwise meets all the other criteria. So I want to say that until today I myself didnʼt really know where in the world to look for oneʼs dream partner. For that reason, wanting to help people of various ages, I have created this wonderful site.